Today we really had a riding rest day, 32 miles of flat riding with moderate winds in 70 degree sunny weather. We had a late 830 breakfast that included krispy kreme donuts bought last night. I warmed them up a bit on the coleman stove but prefer 7 seconds in a microwave. We went to dinner last night at one of those fat farm all you can eat places that is buffet galore and each had several plates. Thanks, Dave, especially as it came on the night Janet and I were slated to cook!
The pictures are: Alice coming into Texas yesterday, end of the map meeting this morning after breakfast at the Cotton Valley RV park, and a view of the valley here -- the line in the middle of the picture is the nasty tall border fence and the mountains are Mexico.
Tomorrow we have abut 75 miles to Van Horn, with about 2,000 ft vertical climb.
bruce, following all. admire your great pix and your stamina but most of all your intestinal fortitude--you seem to be able to swill anything and live bob erin